Sovtek 6L6-WXC+ Audio Output Thermionic Tube.
Part No. 6L6WXT.
Equivalent to 5881, 6BG6, 6L6GC/GT, KT66.
Manufactured by Sovtek.
Octal base. 35Watt output per valve.
Sovtek High-Power 20% higher output than 5881-WXT.
Mica spacers and metal springs. No rattle microphonics, etc.
Superior overall tone tube. Suit or guitarists or HiFi.
Excellent upgrade reliability.
This is a very popular power output valve used in many professional guitar amplifiers such as Fender, Marshall, HiWatt, Orange, Mesa Boogie & many others. We have been supplying appliance parts to the trade and retail for over 25 years. Buy with confidence.